Hello everybody, in this moment I gonna review about the material Language Assessment that have been explained my lecturer by the topics testing, assessing, teaching, types of testing, three approaches of assessment, and types of assessment. Let's open the notes by reciting basmalah together. Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim.
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Testing is a method of measuring a person's ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain.
There are 5 keywords of testing:
- Method
- Measure
- Individual ability
- Performance
- Given domain
Assessment/assessing is an ongoing process.
Teaching is a process of giving knowledge from the teacher to student.
Types of Testing
There are 3 types of categorizing test:
- Ease of quantification in response
- Mode of administration, test constructor.
- Mode of interpreting results and nature of response
Ease of quantification in response
Objective test
example: true or false, multiple choice, and fill in the blank.
Subjective test
example: essay
Mode of administration
Individual test: only one person
Group test: more than one person
Mode of interpreting results
Norm-referenced test: is a type of test, assessment, or evaluation which yields an estimate of the position of the tested individual in a predefined population, with respect to the trait being measured. The estimate is derived from the analysis of test scores and possibly other relevant data from a sample drawn from the population. (src: wikipedia)
Criterion-referenced test: is a style of test which uses test scores to generate a statement about the behavior that can be expected of a person with that score. Most tests and quizzes that are written by school teachers can be considered criterion-referenced tests. (src: wikipedia)
Three approaches of assessment
- Assessment of learning
- Assessment for learning
- Assessment as learning
Types of assessment
Informal assessment
example: good job, great, nice and etc
Formal assessment
example: journal, portofolio
Keywords: testing, language assessment, assessing, teaching, types of testing