Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Summarize an article Impact of Corona Virus Outbreak Towards Teaching and Learning Activities in Indonesia by Zaharah, Galia Ildusovna Kirilova, Anissa Windarti

Robi Jepara ID - Today, I am gonna share about my summarizing with COVID-19 article, hope you like my preview guys cheers!

Title of the article:
Impact of Corona Virus Outbreak Towards Teaching and Learning Activities in Indonesia by Zaharah, Galia Ildusovna Kirilova, Anissa Windarti (2020)

Article summary
In this article reported findings about impact of corona virus outbreak towards teaching and learning activities in Indonesia.  There were three impact which author was written. The first, impact of COVID-19 for education in general. It does not only have an impact on the health and global economy. But it affects all sectors, especially in the education sector. Therefore, it is necessary to take anticipatory steps by each education unit at the regional level given the number of important agendas, such as national exams, and selection of higher education entrance. The second, strategic  steps to overcome the impact of covid-19 on teaching and learning activities. The first thing to do is to provide education to students and education practitioners. The second step is the need to prepare a special team of psychologists to assist students both collectively and individually, especially for schools in areas affected by the virus. The third, Indonesian ministry of education and culture's policy against corona virus outbreaks in teaching and learning activities (KBM). Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim supports the policy of the regional government (Pemda) which dismiss schools and postpones the implementation of the National Examination (UN). That was as a step to prevent the spread of Coronavirus disease 2019. Online-based learning is expected to have a positive impact on students and the progress of our education. In this case, the teacher also expects the participation and care of parents at home to encourage their children to study at home, using onlinebased learning facilities and systems that have been established by the government through the Education Office during COVID-19. This study used a qualitative method with the study of literature (documents). Teaching can be interpreted by the act of learning by students and teaching by teachers. The two components cannot be separated in the process of teaching and learning activities (KBM). Teaching and learning activities are a unity of twodirectional activities. Learning activities are primary activities, while teaching is secondary activities that are intended for optimal activity.
