Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.







Between the woods and frozen lake

(Stanza 2 line 3)





Of easy wind and downy flake.

(Stanza 3 line 4)





The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

(Stanza 4 line 1)





But I have promises to keep,

(Stanza 4 line 2)





And miles to go before I sleep,

(Stanza 4 line 3)




And miles to go before I sleep,

(Stanza 4 line 4)


There are three cohesive devices that has been found in poem above which are addition, qualifying and sequencing.

Poem analysis:

The poem is about night time journey, with the theme Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. The author name is Robert Frost. The author used aaba rhyme in a first stanza. On the other hand, he want to reader feels the athmosphere of the poem as the author feels which is in the first perspective.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Free Fire Max Battle Ground

Robi Jepara ID - Garena Free Fire atau biasa disebut Free Fire (disingkat FF) adalah salah satu judul esports yang merupakan kombinasi dari genre battle ground dengan TPS (Third Person Shooter). Freefire di buat oleh perusahaan Garena. Sekilas ini adalah sebuah game perang yang mengumpulkan hingga 50 pemain di sebuah peta yang luas, dimana setiap pemain harus saling membunuh dan menjadi satu-satunya orang yang bisa bertahan untuk menjadi pemenang. (source:wikipedia)


Dalam permainan battle ground pada tahun ini khususnya 2021 pihak Garena mengembangkan  Free Fire menjadi Free Fire Max. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan grafis, suara, pengalaman bermain serta menjadikan suasana baru. Tentu saja hal tersebut mengundang  banyak pemain baru pada game battle ground ini. Biasanya pemain baru akan langsung mengunduh Free Fire Max daripada Free Fire yang asli karena mempunyai perbedaan yang cukup signifikan.

Jadi kesimpulan dalam Free Fire Max terdapat beberapa fitur yang tidak ada di Free Fire ori. Bagi teman yang mau download Free Fire Max bisa di unduh di playstore. Untuk platform iPhone Free Fire Max belum release secara global.

Teman-teman Robi Jepara ID main battle ground apa nih?

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Language Assessment (Testing, Assessing, Teaching, Types of Testing, Three Approaches of Assessment, and Types of Assessment)

Hello everybody, in this moment I gonna review about the material Language Assessment that have been explained my lecturer by the topics testing, assessing, teaching, types of testing, three approaches of assessment, and types of assessment. Let's open the notes by reciting basmalah together. Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim.

Writing a text

Testing is a method of measuring a person's ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain.

There are 5 keywords of testing:

  1. Method
  2. Measure
  3. Individual ability
  4. Performance
  5. Given domain
Assessment/assessing is an ongoing process.
Teaching is a process of giving knowledge from the teacher to student.

Types of Testing
There are 3 types of categorizing test:
  1. Ease of quantification in response
  2. Mode of administration, test constructor.
  3. Mode of interpreting results and nature of response
Ease of quantification in response
Objective test
example: true or false, multiple choice, and fill in the blank.
Subjective test
example: essay

Mode of administration
Individual test: only one person
Group test: more than one person

Mode of interpreting results
Norm-referenced test: is a type of testassessment, or evaluation which yields an estimate of the position of the tested individual in a predefined population, with respect to the trait being measured. The estimate is derived from the analysis of test scores and possibly other relevant data from a sample drawn from the population. (src: wikipedia)

Criterion-referenced test: is a style of test which uses test scores to generate a statement about the behavior that can be expected of a person with that score. Most tests and quizzes that are written by school teachers can be considered criterion-referenced tests. (src: wikipedia)

Three approaches of assessment
  1. Assessment of learning 
  2. Assessment for learning
  3. Assessment as learning
Types of assessment

Informal assessment
example: good job, great, nice and etc

Formal assessment
example: journal, portofolio

Keywords: testing, language assessment, assessing, teaching, types of testing

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Cross Cultural Understanding Fourth Semester

Robi Jepara ID - Hello everyone, lets see these questions and answers. May I wrong or right?


  1. Do you think teachers should have sense of humor doing their teaching calling process in classroom? Teachers and educators of all levels and disciplines have praised the ability of humor to aid the learning process to help students' understanding of key points and to relax students in moments of anxiety and increased tension. The benefits of humor make obvious to them by a variety of personal accounts and description. Even Stopsky in his book "Humor in the Classroom: A New Approach to Critical Thinking" states that humor has significant point to increase students' critical thinking.
  2. Learning is a process of how knowledge (cognitive)significantly change us emotionally to be critical to problem happening around us. Then we have obligation to solve this. So, it's not only about moral reasoning, but also moral feeling and moral behavior. Is there any ideas from you to respond this?


The teacher should have a sense of humor because it can be reduce the anxiaties of students when they feel nervous in learning activity process. If teacher doesn’t apply fun learning in the learning activities, Students will be bored and scaries. They want to ask some question but they afraid because of the teacher doesn’t have a humor sense. When the teachers always serious in learning activities it caused students stressfull and intimidate. In my mind, teacher which has a sense of humor usually they are clever, more than smart.

Moral feeling and moral behavior are extremely important things in a learning activity process because we can respect to anothers people with different ages. Moral feeling is a feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action or the ability to have such feelings. Moral behavior is to act according to ones moral values and standards. It can be applied in the society. Moral feeling includes conscience, self esteem, empathy, loving the good, self control, and humility. That’s way the correlation between moral feeling and moral behavior.

Absolutely not, because IQ, EQ, SQ, and PQ have a chemistry each other as intellectual. It makes balance all of  human body between intelligence, emotion, spiritual, and physical.

Summarize an article Impact of Corona Virus Outbreak Towards Teaching and Learning Activities in Indonesia by Zaharah, Galia Ildusovna Kirilova, Anissa Windarti

Robi Jepara ID - Today, I am gonna share about my summarizing with COVID-19 article, hope you like my preview guys cheers!

Title of the article:
Impact of Corona Virus Outbreak Towards Teaching and Learning Activities in Indonesia by Zaharah, Galia Ildusovna Kirilova, Anissa Windarti (2020)

Article summary
In this article reported findings about impact of corona virus outbreak towards teaching and learning activities in Indonesia.  There were three impact which author was written. The first, impact of COVID-19 for education in general. It does not only have an impact on the health and global economy. But it affects all sectors, especially in the education sector. Therefore, it is necessary to take anticipatory steps by each education unit at the regional level given the number of important agendas, such as national exams, and selection of higher education entrance. The second, strategic  steps to overcome the impact of covid-19 on teaching and learning activities. The first thing to do is to provide education to students and education practitioners. The second step is the need to prepare a special team of psychologists to assist students both collectively and individually, especially for schools in areas affected by the virus. The third, Indonesian ministry of education and culture's policy against corona virus outbreaks in teaching and learning activities (KBM). Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim supports the policy of the regional government (Pemda) which dismiss schools and postpones the implementation of the National Examination (UN). That was as a step to prevent the spread of Coronavirus disease 2019. Online-based learning is expected to have a positive impact on students and the progress of our education. In this case, the teacher also expects the participation and care of parents at home to encourage their children to study at home, using onlinebased learning facilities and systems that have been established by the government through the Education Office during COVID-19. This study used a qualitative method with the study of literature (documents). Teaching can be interpreted by the act of learning by students and teaching by teachers. The two components cannot be separated in the process of teaching and learning activities (KBM). Teaching and learning activities are a unity of twodirectional activities. Learning activities are primary activities, while teaching is secondary activities that are intended for optimal activity.

Saturday, July 4, 2020


Robi Jepara ID - Garena Free Fire atau biasa disebut Free Fire (disingkat FF) adalah salah satu judul esports yang merupakan kombinasi dari genre battle royale dengan TPS (Third Person Shooter). Freefire di buat oleh perusahaan Garena. Sekilas ini adalah sebuah game perang yang mengumpulkan hingga 50 pemain di sebuah peta yang luas, dimana setiap pemain harus saling membunuh dan menjadi satu-satunya orang yang bisa bertahan untuk menjadi pemenang. (source:wikipedia)

Gameplay Free Fire adalah dimana semua pemain dikerahkan dengan pesawat dan wajib melakukan terjun bebas. Tiap pemain juga harus mencari senjata dan peralatan medis ketika dikirim untuk bertarung melawan pemain lain dan bertahan hidup.Di tengah permainan nanti akan ada pesawat yang lewat dan meluncurkan airdrop dalam bentuk kotak besar berisi rompi anti peluru, helm, senjata khusus seperti AWM, Groza dan M249 ataupun senapan mesin.Menemukan airdrop juga tidak sulit. Kotak ini akan memancarkan garis vertikal atau lurus dari langit dengan cahaya kuningnya. Untuk lebih memanjakan pemain, Free Fire memberi indikator untuk barang-barang dalam airdrop. Jika semuanya telah diambil, cahayanya akan hilang, dan sebaliknya cahayanya akan tetap menyala jika ada elemen yang belum diambil.Pada waktu-waktu tertentu permainan, Zona Bahaya akan muncul, lingkaran zona bahaya akan berwarna merah jika dilihat dari peta. Di daerah-daerah tertentu dari zona bahaya akan terjadi ledakan.Dalam mode squad, seseorang yang terkena ledakan akan berada dalam kondisi hit tetapi jika itu terjadi pada mode solo, pemain tersebut akan langsung mati.Waktu bermain yang lama dan peta yang luas tidak akan membuat permainan ini berakhir jika tidak ada zona bahaya. Di luar zona aman, darah pemain akan terus berkurang. Jika pemain berada di area aman yang terlalu kecil, adrenalin pemain akan ikut meningkat mengingat sebentar lagi pemain harus bermigrasi ke zona lain.Di sinilah kamu dapat melihat kualitas pemain. Selain kebutuhan akan keterampilan perang dan kemampuan untuk bertahan hidup, permainan bertahan hidup ini juga membutuhkan ketenangan dan keberuntungan. (source: wikipedia)

TRIK CARA GB CARNAGE POINT FREE FIRE 4 JULI 2020 yaitu dengan cara bermain dalam mode:

  1. Clash Squad
Pada mode ini kalian harus menggunakan pakaiian bot terlebih dahulu, setelah itu kalian klik ranked match tapi jangan di start, terus klik clash squad, klik ranked match lagi, klik mode clash squad lagi sampai tiga kali. Setelah tiga kali ganta-ganti modenya terus kalian start. Setelah sudah di start kalian balik ke homepage atau relogin. Setelah relogin kalian buka ff lagi. Tunggu ada pop up iklan dari ff. Setelah itu klik mode clash squad lagi dan klik start. Tadaaaa musuh kalian di clash squad akan menjadi afk dan itu tandanya berhasil masuk triknya. 

  1. 2 Clash Squad
Pada trik kedua kalian menggunakan cara bunuh diri atau eliminated. Trik ini mempersingkat waktu permainan di mode clash squad. caranya kalian beli bom 2 biji setelah itu lemparkan ke tembok secara bergantian lempar satu dulu setelah bom hampir meledak lempar bom yang satunya lagi. Dengan catatan kalian harus terkena dua bom tersebut dan mengakibatkan eliminated secara langsung. 

Untuk mencari Carnage Point dengan gb kalian juga bisa menggunakan Ranked Mode tapi agak sulit caranya karena harus top 1-20... lebih mudahnya memang menggunakan mode clash squad. Semoga trik ini bermanfaat buat teman-teman semua. Salam booyah!!!

Saturday, February 29, 2020


Robi Jepara ID - Pernah merasa kesal atau jengkel ketika lagi mengerjakan tugas ataupun bermain game laptop terasa lag? Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini mimin akan menshare beberapa tips nih buat kalian yang ingin laptopnya lancar.

Dari segi HARDWARE yaitu:

Pertama: HDD atau Hard Disk Drive. Cobalah periksa kesehatan HDD laptop kalian, mungkin sudah terlalu tua  karena dapat mempengaruhi kinerja semua perangkat laptop. Untuk yang belum tau cara bongkar laptop disarankan jangan membongkarnya sendiri karena komponen-komponennya banyak yang sensitiv.

Kedua: RAM ataujuga Random Access Memory ini sangat berperan dalam processing aplikasi, tentu saja laptop lag juga ada karena faktor penyimpanan ram yang kecil biasanya Ram 2GB untuk rendering video tidak dianjurkan.

Dari segi habitual atau kebiasaan sehari-hari:

Siapa sih yang gak suka nyemil pada saat nonton film drama atupun adventure di laptop? hati-hati kebiasaan ini dapat membuat laptop terkena sisa-sisa makanan di tangan yang nempel di keyboard. Hal tersebut memang sepele tapi kalau lama-lama menumpuk itu akan membuat laptop keyboard akan error dan tidak bisa ditekan sekalipun. Laptop mimin sering sekali terjadi begitu karena kondisi banyak debu yang menempel. Jadi bersihkan dulu dan singkirkan makanan dari laptop ya teman.

Dari segi software laptop:

Software merupakan perangkat lunak aplikasi yang berada pada laptop. Tentunya kebanyakan aplikasi membuat penggunaan ram semakin banyak dan tentusaja hal tersebut dapat menjadikan lagging.

Bagaimana cara mengatasinya ???

Hapus  saja aplikasi yang sudah tidak digunakan di laptop agar RAM kembali lega dan membuat kinerja laptop semakin bertambah.

(Jika tips diatas sudah dilakukan semua dan masih terasa lag itu tandanya umur laptop sudah tua dan ingin di upgrade ya)

Laptop lag bisa di benahi dengan cara upgrade HDD dan RAM. Meskipun hal tersebut harus ke service center terdekat karena kalau tidak biasa membongkar laptop akan dapat menyebabkan bootlop.
Mungkin cukup sekian pembahasannya, jika ada kritik dan saran boleh berkomentar dan jangan lupa juga bagikan post ini agar dapat bermanfaat.